I have had some serious disagreements with my mother. They were intense enough that it took a while for each of them to be solved. However, our relationship is really good, one of the best relationships I can possibly have.
When I think about it, if one of those arguments occurred between a boyfriend and a girlfriend, it’d likely lead to breaking up. Any beautiful love may be killed off that easily. This is nothing special, things like that happen everyday everywhere. But then, why it is so different comparing with the relationship of mother and son?
The difference is that mother and son are related.
That’s only it! Because the two are families, they cannot really “run” anywhere but stuck with each other forever. This gives them the chance to understand and forgive one another. And later on, the relationship will be appreciated again.
How nice it would be if lovers’ relationship can be like that. People will be able to overcome any misunderstanding and be together forever. Then what we need to do is to consider ourselves related! This relation may be more meaningful than even marriage. Married couples can get divorced and that’s it. Being related means believing that lovers are ought to be together forever no matter what. And that’s not unreasonable at all. Just like how God put a mother and a child together, the relationship, the love He puts between lovers are not any less valuable. True love brings people together, make them need each other and care for each other, and for goodness’ sake, it is significant too!
So let whoever in love be related. It’s worth it, isn’t it?
Some footnote: I’m talking about true love. Surely those such as abusive love or ignorant love don’t need to be considered here.
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