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I'll be rich

For me, “to be rich or not to be rich” is not a question. I will be rich. And of course, I am talking about being financially rich, or, have a lot of income. The idea seems perfectly fine, so many people working every single seconds just for that. The only problem is, oddly enough, I am a Christian.
Mrs. Chapman (in case you don’t know her, she is a great person) has discussed with me about the matter of being rich. She says that we Christians don’t need to have a lot of money. What we need is being wealthy in love and some other noble characteristics. She talks about her husband, how he doesn’t have a lot of money and she has to eat a lot of beans, but she feels extremely happy living with him. I think it is great to be like that. Awesome story indeed.
Then last week, I went to the church and the pastor mentioned a verse. It’s Matt. 6:24,
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”
So basically a person has to choose either God or money, and a Christian should be rich in his/her soul and mind instead. It’s funny how such a common sense like this is not so easy for me to accept. What I have in mind is different.
I think money is really useful. I don’t have to tell how many physical things we can buy with it (in case we have enough, yeah), but money can really help us to archive those other things also. For example, love. Money can’t buy love, true. But money helps maintain it. I have seen quite a number of couples have their loves given up because of financial issues. Money can’t buy life, sure, but it provides the access to be healthy, as one can pay to go to the gym and hire a professional trainer. Then can money do anything about faith?!! Tell you what, if I didn’t have enough money to go to Montana, then how could I know Christianity? How long would it take for some American missioners to get to see me and convince me somehow? I do not say that I believe in God because of money. But at the very least, I think money has helped me to get to Him faster.
I am sure there are many Christians think like this some time: “If I don’t have to work until (whatever) o’clock, I would go and help some people with something.” What I see here is that if people don’t have to work for money, they can work for other things, to be better Christians. But then, the lack of money keeps them from all of the opportunities and they get busy all day making money. I believe that if a person doesn’t have to worry about money, he/she can think and do something else. That’s it, I learn business and learn about money, not so that I will think about money all the time, but to be able to not worry about money and be able think about other things. This is my way to be free from money and to serve God wholeheartedly.
Besides, with a lot of income, I can provide a good life for myself and the people I love. For me, it is really sad if my wife wants to buy something so badly and I just can’t get it for her. It’s also sad if my son needs $300 to join the basketball team and I can’t afford it. And I feel bad every time I go to church, because I cannot put more than $10 into the plate as I am still a poor college student. I don’t think money can make people nicer, but it really can help nice people to do all the good deeds that he otherwise cannot.
So bare with me if you find this post offensive or inappropriate. Share your thoughts with me and I may learn something good from you. Once again it’s me, Anh the exchange student.


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