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A Father's Dismay

  In the movie A Christmas Story , a little boy named Ralphie was helping his father fixing a car tire when he dropped the nuts he was holding. In a panic, he blurted out: “Oh, sh*t!”, much to his already-grumpy father’s dismay. Unlike Ralphie’s father who used swearwords often, I rarely applied foul language in my daily speech. Nonetheless, I feared of one day when my son, Spidey, would muster something like Ralphie did. I wouldn’t know what to do. Then something happened. I was at my desk working at home and Spidey was playing with his Transformers toys on the floor nearby. Spidey liked to talk to himself while playing, pretending that his robots were interacting verbally. Suddenly, I noticed that Spidey was shouting “Dammit! Dammit!” “Oh great”, I thought to myself, “so the day has come.” Did he learn that from me? Did he learn that from his friends at school? At church? From TV? More importantly, what am I supposed to explain to him now? Parenting is hard. I had a quick prayer to G
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Not a Miracle Comes Out of Nowhere

  During the very first Passover, Egyptian firstborn sons were all killed. We tend to focus on how terrible this curse was. Christians would say that Pharaoh was so stubborn (“having a ‘hardened’ heart”) that only a treatment this severe can affect him (for a short while anyway). Non-Christians would say God was a moral monster.  Little did we see: God’s own firstborn son was killed that same day, 2,000 years later. We are quick to criticize God and often not realize that God is the one who makes the greatest sacrifice. In the first Passover, the Israelites were spared and protected. But it wasn’t just a simple miracle that came out of nowhere. They didn’t know it, but God was paying the price. God’s sacrifice was the miracle. It wasn’t a gnostic recipe of “blood of a lamb on door is affective in repelling Grim Reaper”. Every single blessing we receive in life, big or small, especially our salvations, were made happen because of Jesus’ crucifixion. He paid the price.

AI's Opinion on Putting a Pop-Up Emitter Under Water

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Every Knee will Bow, Every Tongue will Confess

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Fei's Mooncakes

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Chuyện Tôi Thời Trẻ (P. 7) - Chuyện Làm Bài Kiểm Tra

Dạo này tự nhiên tôi nhớ về thời học cấp Hai. Hồi cấp Hai, có lần làm bài kiểm tra tập trung. Tuy làm cùng với các lớp khác nhưng tôi ngồi ngay cạnh Vàng Anh* cùng lớp vì tên giống nhau. Cái rồi Vàng Anh hỏi bài tôi. Cả hai đang ngồi ngay bàn đầu mà hỏi cái gì? Làm sao mà trả lời đây? Thế là tôi nghĩ ra một cách là viết câu trả lời vào tờ đề thi rồi đưa cho Vàng Anh. Đợi cô gác thi vừa quay đi thì tôi đưa luôn. Ai ngờ Vàng Anh chưa kịp cầm lấy thì cô (cô nào thì tớ không nhớ, chắc là cô dạy Sinh) quay lại ngay lập tức! Tôi "đứng hình". Trời đất như cuồng quay. Ca này khó mà có thể qua khỏi. Mẹ ơi con xin lỗi! Cố gắng bình tĩnh, tôi phẩy phẩy cái tờ đề có ghi câu trả lời đó trước mặt Vàng Anh và nói, "nè, cậu làm rớt nè!" Vàng Anh do dự rồi cầm lấy tờ giấy. Cô giáo không nói gì và lại tiếp tục bước đi chỗ khác. Hú vía. Câu chuyện tới đây là hết. Đó có lẽ là khoảnh khắc thông minh nhất trong đời tôi. Giá mà tôi có thể cứ thông minh như vậy hoài thì bây giờ có phải đã

Đường Của Tôi

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