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A Christmas Week In Montana

You may have noticed that there was no post last week. It’s because Arwen and I went to Montana visiting my family for a week. The week went by really fast and now I want to look back and see what we did during that week. I haven’t done diary-style posts like this for quite a while so click on! There are pictures too!

Day 1, Wednesday
We flew the whole day. At first it was nice and Arwen thought her snacks were interesting enough and took a picture of it.

Then it got really boring and tiring, so we decided to take some funky pictures together. Here are some:

After 7 hours, we arrived at Bozeman, MT at 8 PM. Howdy, MONTANA!

Then Mom came pick us up. Then us being tired and sleep.

Day 2, Thursday

The second day was a shopping day, since we didn’t finish our Christmas shopping yet. My brother Holden drove us to three different stores then we had lunch at Burger King. Good time.

Then we went to Petra Academy, my high school, which was now much different: huge building, many more students and teachers, and there was a new huge gym.
Arwen liked the dog Remington very much, so she took many pictures of him. Here is one:

In the evening we went to watch The Hobbit pt.1. Three hours was a bit too long for one third of a mid-size novel, but oh well. The character of Bilbo Baggins was quite likable, and the Dwarven prince was majestically heroic. Saruman’s straight hair went so well with his mushy beard (sarcasm!), and Gandalf looked somewhat older than his 60-year-later counterpart. Arwen had hard time staying awake but it’s all good.

Day 3, Friday

I spent a rather peaceful morning reading The Hunger Games and finished it. A cat liked to seat between me and the book but I didn't mind much.

Meanwhile, Arwen prepared a dinner with Vietnamese style chicken curry, a specialty of hers. It was pretty well-received. Too bad there was no picture taken. Next time she makes this dish, I promise I will take some pictures and share.

After the dinner, we went to church to see my little sister Shadiah performing in a Christmas concert. It was nice. Then we went home and I was surprised to find out Shadiah played Star Craft II! So I played some games with her and it was really fun. Ah, she reminded me of myself 10 years ago!

Day 4, Saturday

It was the time for us to finish wrapping gifts and cards, so we did that. We also went outside and enjoyed the snow.

Chelsea, my twin sister was home that evening so it was exciting. We had a nice Italian dinner with a family living downstairs. Afterwards, we watched Ice Age 4 together. It was very well-made and I enjoyed it truly.

Day 5, Sunday

It’s a church day! I missed this church for a long time. I could still recognize some people though they seemed to not knowing who I was. Then we went home and made an Indian lunch with some family’s friends. Then Mr. Brian went home and we all drove straight to Lewistown. The day was very fast-paced like that.

Day 6, Monday

Christmas Eve! It’s Christmas Eve! And there was baby Eaton – the child of sister Paige. He was so cute! Dinner was with lamb and pork. I found out I didn't like lamb much.

Gifts were distributed by the end of the day. Arwen had all the chocolate she wanted and a very nice cook book from Chelsea! Yeah! Merry Christmas!

Day 7, Tuesday

It’s time to drive back to Bozeman. Then Holden, Shadiah, and Chelsea went to see La Miserables whereas Arwen and I stayed home and played Phase 10 with the parents. We lost, but it was fun!

Then of course, we packed our stuffs and went to bed.

Day 8, Wednesday again

The flight was early, so we woke up at 4:30 AM! Holden sleeptalked and sleephugged me before falling back to sleep. Good bye, family, and off we went! At the airport, BTW, Arwen tried to catch some fish.

And that concluded our week in Montana! We did so many things, did we not! 


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