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A diary of DK’s first semester in UCM – Part 2

Day… month…year…
I had to do an informative speech today. It was decisive – to lift my grade up. And I did it well. Every one was surprised, and the speech was chosen to be the example for years later…

But I wasn’t surprised. I had tried really hard. I had practiced so many times. And… there were you who prayed for it. How could I do badly? How could I?

You are just the sweetest girl ever, Orchid. Thank you.

Day… month…year…

Today one of my Vietnamese high school friends, BS, got angry with me because I couldn’t get her a fine picture of myself. Well, I supposed I should have stored some in my laptop then. :)

In the afternoon, there was a big tornado coming by. We had to move to the basement for an hour. The rain was big, as the tornado came. I wondered what’d happen if it blew up my room? That would be sad. I’d lost the pictures which were just for you. I’d have to buy a new laptop, to …copy your pictures again… That’d be sad.

But, I was warm in the basement because of the coat. Thank you.

Day… month…year…

Today you told me there was a guy who liked you. He asked you your name and your cell phone number. Then he wrote a whole post in his forum about you. “He is crazy” – you told me. No, he is not crazy at all, Orchid! I am the one who had been writing about you also. And I just kept thinking about you all the time. You are just so amazing, Orchid. I can do anything just to make you happier, and so did him.

“I hate that guy!” But I couldn’t tell. Would I just be a smiling guy to you forever? Wouldn’t I - some day - become someone else?

Day… month…year…

After three months, it’s now time for me to have a haircut. And so today, I tried to cut my own hair – the first time ever! Well, it was not easy – for sure. Well, I was glad that I still had both of my ears, and saved 12 usd. :D Kool.

Day… month…year…

It’s Thanksgiving. The cafeteria was closed for the break, so I had to get some food to survive for that. I just don’t like cooking, so I went to Wal-Mart to buy cookies, chips, and two big boxes of …donuts. The donut tasted really weird, and even worse than the one in the cafeteria! After few days, they were all out of date, and when I took a bite, the is-now-crunchy donut was just broken into pieces and fell allover everywhere! It’s sick. Well, it was lucky when my roommate enjoyed cooking, and he fed me for Thanksgiving. Thanks, Phat.

Day… month…year…

So you have your boyfriend now, Orchid. He is good looking, with a stylish hair. He can even do windmill, can’t he? And he is…right there beside you, good enough to make you become RainY. My Orchid’s disappeared already… It’s bitterly sad for me, but it’s fine. I’ll just be a smiling guy then. I won’t show you my blog also. Everything is just a memory for me to remember, and for you to forget. I’ll just continue to find my Dark Elf, the girl who’s only for me. Will it be possible? Where are you, my Dark Elf?

Day… month…year…

There was a food show tonight – a cultural event for UCM international students to make their traditional food. So we Vietnamese gathered at Chau’s house to make spring-rolls and
goi ga (Vietnamese chicken salad). I didn’t cook but helped a little bit. We were done at last.
There were a lot of people and food there. How was it? I have no idea, since I was the one who stood there and served food to people. It was 100 times I said “these are spring-rolls”, 18 times for “no, it’s not sausage” and 76 times for “this is chicken salad, do you want to try some?” Never mind. I just made it up. Who would count for such a thing? Lol.

When I was done serving, all the food elsewhere was gone too. Surprisingly, some Thai girls stood next to me gave me some Thai food to eat! Wow. Two new things for the night: Thai food is so delicious; and Thai girls are nice and cute. :D

Some pictures for that day:

Ms. Ngoc and me

Ms.Chau and me
Day… month…year...

Today I played dodge ball- the first time ever! The only thing I had known before that was a movie about it. It was really scary when I came to the gym. There were a bunch of big people walking around and throwing balls at each other. However we still played at last. Their team had five huge guys and other five huge girls. We had only three skinny guys and the rest were girls. (Yeah, except Phat – my roommate, none of us had ever played it before!)

What happened next was completely …predictable: we totally lost. But no one was hurt, and we got a real big fun. It was great, and I’d like to play it again someday.

Day… month…year…

The finals were over now. It was good to have some credits. A semester’s passed me pretty quickly, and I haven’t done much. There’d be nowhere like
Petra last year.
My American family invited me to return to
Montana for Christmas. It was so kool until my host mom called me at one night, and told me that the car was full of Paige’s stuffs, and I might bring a …bag. Oh dear! I was going to stay for three weeks with only a bag?! That’s …interesting! I had to use all of my creativity to figure out what to bring, and all of my muscles to… squeeze those stuff into a backpack. And it was done! Pretty surprising for me. (and hilarious also.)
So I headed to
Montana now. Since I was protected, everything had been fine, and it’d be just fine no matter what.
By the way, I am still alive.

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