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Showing posts from April, 2011

The Best Believer of the Lord

"The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children." — G.K. Chesterton I recently finished the book Deuteronomy of the Bible. It urges me to write something for Moses, seeing his entire life devoting to serve the Lord. Moses truly is the greatest follower of Christ. In an earthly sense, Moses is an extraordinarily typical man. When the Lord comes to him, he says, but, my Lord, I am not even good at talking in front of people! Please choose someone else, for I am just another random person. . And so he is. There is absolutely nothing special about him. He is neither well-read nor well-traveled. Why would the Lord chooses him and not Aaron his brother, or someone else who “knows better”? I believe the answer is that God loves the ordinary Moses has. Nothing can be more glorious to God than making a completely normal human to become a great chosen one. If there was anything special about Moses, if he

I will be back

My dearest readers, I haven't posted anything on this blog for awhile, and I will continue to do so for several more weeks. My life has been changing quite a bit, and I am trying to keep up with it. People say that we spend more time on what truly important to us, but I don't agree with the statement at all. Depends on the moment and locations, there are certain things that we simply have to do even though we don't really give them a squat; and there are people and things that we can gladly die to protect, yet we have to give up on them for less relevant matters sometimes. I am taking a break from blogging doesn't mean I have lost my joy of writing or I no longer value my readers as highly. In the near future, this blog will be updated again and will continue to serve you in its humble way. For now, you may want to check out my older posts. I have blogged since 2006 and you very well may have missed a lot of interesting posts. And please give me comments or at least