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Showing posts from June, 2008

D. O.

Cách đây cả năm, sáu năm, khi tôi học Anh văn với một chị gái sinh viên ở nhà, chị nói bâng quơ một câu mà tôi lại nhớ mãi, “Bạn thân cấp Ba sẽ là bạn thân của cả đời đó em!” Câu nói của chị đơn giản và ngắn thế, mà sao đúng quá… Năm lớp 10 bỡ ngỡ ngồi chống cằm, tôi cũng đã kịp lia mắt ngó quanh mà ngó ra hai tài năng ẩn mặt của lớp, một trong số hai người là Dark Orc, ngồi tuốt ở góc xó phía bên kia với một lũ lu-xu-bu lạ hoắc. Chuyện cũng chẳng có gì nhiều cho đến khi qua học kì II, vì một lí do khách quan nào chẳng thể nhớ, tôi bị cô giáo “wăng” xuống góc lớp, chỉ để rồi tôi quen với Dark Orc và một thằng nữa – giang hồ gọi là Dark Wizard. Dark Orc “giáo sư” – như người đời vẫn gọi, vì giỏi Toán và Hóa một cách... vô lý, ai ngờ lại cùng chụm đầu cùng hai thằng Dark còn lại mà thành Dark Force. Kể từ đó, tôi đã có người cùng ngồi cùng cười hô hố, và vỗ vai an ủi đầy thô bạo những lúc không vui. Có những lần tôi …muốn làm quen với một cô gái nào đó, lại ngại ngùng quá mà để Dark Orc

Just a lame step of sacrifice

I have been keeping thinking about Mr. Koenen speech at the Petra 2008 graduation. In order to practice the idea of “sacrifice [myself] for ‘something’”, this was the first thing I came up with: The Prince Caspian Operation (!) (When you read to the fancy name of the operation, please imagine some ethic music appears along with it.) This is the second so-called “operation” since …the KK operation, which surely wasn’t any racial stuff but simply was… how to get to Kim’s birthday party. The mission was accomplished barely in May 2007. However, the mission this time seems to be much tougher. What in the world is “The Prince Caspian Operation”? – Well, everyone should recognize easily that it should involve somehow with the movie The Chronicle of Narnia: Prince Caspian. I saw any single person who was talking about this movie saying that it was perfectly great (one example should be Kim’s “ prince caspian ”). This just makes me want to watch the movie so badly. However, the

B for Becoming Better

When I graduated from Petra, I clearly understood that I was an incomplete graduate, that I lacked so many things which any true "Petrafied" graduate should have had. Since then, I have been concerned how to become more sophisticated. I was thinking about it again yesterday night, and suddenly realized one stunning fact: I have learned almost nothing from Mr. V’s Bible Interpretation class! I remember I have tried to ask several questions about Christianity, but they were all off-topic, so Mr. V denied to answer them, and Richard’s responses to my questions weren’t really efficient since I couldn’t understand much what he said back then. As a matter of fact, the only thing I think I’ve learned in that class was merely knowing “what’s going on” in the books Esther , Ruth , and the Gospels. I did not understand the “points” or any innate lesson from them, and I didn’t have any idea what the book Philippians was talking about. How crazy it truly was! Surely, I am not

The Proof

When I was taking my Philosophy course, the professor defined “faith” as the belief without proof (By “proof” means through reasons and logics.) At some points, I can argue that almost everything does not have good proof, but of course we know what he means by this definition. Of course, Christians’ faith is not some unjustified fallacy, and we do have a lot of solid proofs that if only we regulate them with our minds, we may clearly feel that everything makes sense. However, not everyone can obtain such knowledge sufficiently, and since most people are rational thinkers, a slight doubt in a fragment of second of the nature of Christian faith can be unavoidable. Shamefully, I myself did that sometimes, though I tried to “fix” that by making me become more sufficient with books and prayers. One thing I am so thankful is that any sincere prayer will surely be replied, and yes, He did. Now thinking back about it, I feel it inappropriately funny if some believer asks God

An orchid has dropped, at last

I have been written about you, Orchid; and I am writing another one, which is probably the last. You’re pretty – dangerously. I have never been a retarded one, yet you attracted my heart easily and possessed it for an unreasonable time. Your eyes, your smiles, and your cute break-dancing moves were so inspiring that a half of my blog was filled with posts talking about you. With your closely perfect physical beauties, it once seemed that I could have never escaped – and not just me, I know there are many other unfortunate guys got their hearts stuck with your images. As I said in one of my post, “you were the closest image of Dark Elf that I have ever known.” But the nominal work is not full of images, and, what ever phenomenal will be dimmed out till vanish. I have been trying so hard, Orchid, only to make my hope become reality. However, all what I have received were your carelessness and worse - selfishness. Everything of you for which I loved, or maybe I thought you were, are al