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Showing posts from December, 2007

A diary of DK’s first semester in UCM – Part 2

Day… month…year… I had to do an informative speech today. It was decisive – to lift my grade up. And I did it well. Every one was surprised, and the speech was chosen to be the example for years later… But I wasn’t surprised. I had tried really hard. I had practiced so many times. And… there were you who prayed for it. How could I do badly? How could I? You are just the sweetest girl ever, Orchid. Thank you. Day… month…year… Today one of my Vietnamese high school friends, BS, got angry with me because I couldn’t get her a fine picture of myself. Well, I supposed I should have stored some in my laptop then. :) In the afternoon, there was a big tornado coming by. We had to move to the basement for an hour. The rain was big, as the tornado came. I wondered what’d happen if it blew up my room? That would be sad. I’d lost the pictures which were just for you. I’d have to buy a new laptop, to …copy your pictures again… That’d be sad. But, I was warm in the basement because of the coat. Tha

Thảm họa ở ngay gần các bạn!

Khi mà tôi vẫn đang còn bơi ra giữa miền quê xứ người, thì toàn bộ lòng tôi lại đang hướng về Việt Nam, mảnh đất nhỏ nhắn của lòng yêu thương. Phải nói thế nào để các bạn hiểu? Thế hệ chúng ta, thế hệ mà không ai chịu cố gắng, chỉ vẫn luôn ngó về lịch sử cha ông mà quên đi thời gian hiện tại và tương lai. Và thảm họa đang đến ngay sát đó. Mọi người chắc đều biết rằng hiện Trung Quốc đang trang chấp với chúng ta hai quần đảo Hòang Sa và Trường Sa. Các bạn thấy thế nào? Tức à? Chắc chắn là vậy, nhưng chúng ta cũng nên xem xét cao hơn một chút. Trung Quốc là nước cung cấp hang hóa cho phần lớn thế giới, có Mỹ, Nhật, Pháp,… và cả chính Việt Nam chúng ta… Đồ dùng của Trung Quốc xuất khẩu qua Việt Nam hầu hết chứa chất độc hại, gây nhiễm chì máu, ung thư hoặc vô sinh… Chuyện tranh chấp hai quần đảo này đã là rất lâu, cả mấy chục năm rồi. Và cả ranh giới giữa hai nước vẫn thường xuyên bị xâm lấn từ khía bên kia hằng năm… Trung Quốc những năm gần đây tung tin là cắt giảm quân s

...and then, I changed

Simply slacking around, then one day woke up, I saw everything changed… I woke up after a really long sleep. Immediately I was stunned: it was 10h55’ – I had missed my math class, and I had 5 minutes left to get to the health class! “Oh, dear!” I laughed so hard at myself, to see how slacking I was. But I did manage somehow to get to class seven minutes later, wondered why those things happened everyday like that. But it wasn’t like other days. Everywhere was smoothly white, and love appeared from nowhere, now spread allover… It was snow! All the memories of Montana just came back at the same time, only to remember something else. “Oh yeah, it’s my …birthday, isn’t it.” Then I turned to be eighteen years old. No more a little me, no more my teen age. I stepped to a new period, to be able to feel my new strength, new responsibility. Time did pass fast, didn’t it? It’s eighteen years passing by at a glance, and I just stood there, could not cling to anything. My little sad feeling w

tHERE & Here

There is a place where… …my little brother wants to make an Origami dinosaur but he can’t. And he said: “If only Big Brother was here…” The dinosaur, it’s too easy, really easy, but I am not there to help him. It is where… …my grandparents think about me everyday, worrying if I am doing ok. They are really weak; I am not there to take care of them. In that place… …my best friend gets struggle in his life. He becomes so depressed and lonely. And I am not there to share with him the pain, or make him feel better. Still there… …I had my break-dance class. The teacher, the classmates were so nice and I learned a lot. I am not there to continue it. And that place is where… …my love exists. But someone has taken it away, and I am not there to protect it. I am here, in the US . I am not there. I am not in Vietnam . It is that in our lives, we always have to give up something, in order to achieve something else. What I am after is big, is important. But also, I have left so many things behi